The client

Costa Coffee is a coffee franchise founded in London in 1971. The second-largest coffee chain in the world, it has over 3,400 stores across 31 countries and over 18,000 employees. 

The challenge

Costa was acquired by Whitbread in 1995 and subsequently purchased by The Coca-Cola Company in 2019. The Coca-Cola acquisition completely redefined Costa’s growth trajectory, putting the company on an ambitious accelerated path to global growth. 

However, in pursuing their objectives, they faced a crucial limitation: post-acquisition they found themselves without a central communications platform. Whitbread retained its own intranet in the sale and new owners Coca-Cola had not planned on integrating the company into their own internal communications. 

In order for Costa to reach its ambitious goals, it would need a way of connecting employees across the entire business and giving them the tools and infrastructure they need to communicate and collaborate at scale. 

As things stood, the business had been left with a number of key limitations on its capacity to facilitate connection and collaboration across the business, which would dampen the effectiveness of their business strategy. 

Ultimately, by freeing these blocks to connection, collaboration and communication across the business, Costa would put themselves in a much better position to be able to realise their ambitious global growth plans. 

Costa knew that they needed a bold communications solution: a single source of truth for what is going on in the company and a reliable central platform for multi-directional communication between all members of the Costa family.

The solution

At Future Worx, our approach is relentlessly people-focused. We knew that Costa’s growth plans would succeed or fail on the basis of the employee experience they could provide.  

Accordingly, we devised a three-stage process to determine exactly what Costa’s people felt they needed, envision a solution to meet those needs, and then develop a rock-solid implementation roadmap. 

These three stages would clarify the why, what, and how of their new communications solution.  

The business

Costa found themselves between a rock and a hard place: they had been left without a communications solution, while needing to deliver on global growth plans. They knew they needed a solution but were unclear on what their people needed or how they would make that a reality.

Future Worx has helped them do three things:

The new communications solution will be a critical step for Costa in reconnecting people from all over the business. 

It will help people from all over the business be able to find the information they need, discover who is who within the business, gain wider recognition for their work, collaborate with colleagues in other branches, and personalise their own communications feed. In short, it will empower Costa’s people — whether on the front lines or in the back office— to excel at their role in a digital world. 

The business will be reconnected at the level of the individual, the branch, the department, and even the country, laying the foundation for a coffee business capable of thriving in the global marketplace.